The #1 rebate
site for sellers
and brand owners
Get your products in front of hundreds of thousands of US verified shoppers and boost your full price sales
How does RebateKey work?
Our site is built to help you get full-priced sales using cashback rebates. As you know, full-priced sales can help you rank faster than discounted sales.
There is no fee to try us out.
We only charge $2.95 per rebate claimed.
Here’s what our happy customers who already received their checks say
about us…
The RebateKey Process
The bigger the rebate, the more claims you will have!
You Create!
Set your offer discount and quantity, add pictures and descriptions, add link to your marketplace, and publish! Boom, Mic drop, walk away…
We Promote!
Buyers select your products, purchase full price directly on your marketplace and then claim the rebate using their order ID.
You Approve!
Rebates are automatically
pre-approved and held for 30 days and sellers are given 5 days to approve the rebate to ensure there were no returns or
We Deliver!
35 days later, we’ll automatically mail checks or make PayPal deposits to your happy shoppers!
Why use Rebates?
Rebates are now the proven way to drive more traffic and generate full-priced sales for your product on any marketplace.
Absurdly Simple Setup
Start your first sales campaign in 5 minutes. Go ahead, we’ll time you.
Drive your rankings higher and higher on the online marketplace.
Full-price sales every time?
Yes, please!
Go Viral! ‘Nuff said
Increase your marketing traffic and take your brand to the next level of exposure.
Got this down? Great! Next campaign
Keep the buzz going and build momentum with unlimited campaigns.
300K Buyers and growing
We like good omens too…. What are you waiting for?!
I Love RebateKey! I have earned so much money back on items that I use and need! It is easy to use and easy to get the rebates back.
I wasn’t sure if this was legit. Guess what?! It is! Here’s the proof! I got my first check, can’t wait for the next one!
I am glad to have found RebateKey! It is great to be able to receive some if not all you money back for making purchases.
Used by Trusted Retailers
Be part of RebateKey
Get your products in front of hundreds of thousands of US verified shoppers and boost your full-price sales. Works on Amazon, Walmart, Shopify and other marketplaces.
RebateKey © 2020 | Terms of Use | Privacy Policy
Launch a campaign in less than 5 minutes!
Used by Trusted Retailers
How does RebateKey work?
Our site is built to help you get full-priced sales using cashback rebates. As you know, full-priced sales can help you rank faster than discounted sales.
There is no fee to try us out.
We only charge $2.95 per rebate claimed.
Why use Rebates?
Rebates are a proven way to drive more traffic and
generate full-priced sales for your product on any marketplace.
Absurdly Simple Setup
Start your first sales campaign in 5 minutes.
Go ahead, we’ll time you.
Drive your rankings higher and higher on the online marketplace.
Full-price sales every time?
Yes, please!
Go Viral! ‘Nuff said
Increase your marketing traffic and take your brand to the next level of exposure.
Got this down? Great! Next campaign
Keep the buzz going and build momentum with unlimited campaigns.
350K Buyers and growing
We like good omens too…. What are you waiting for?!
The RebateKey Process
The bigger the rebate, the more claims you will have!
You Create!
Set your offer discount and quantity, add pictures and descriptions, add link to your marketplace, and publish! Boom, Mic drop, walk away…
We Promote!
Buyers select your products, purchase full price directly on your marketplace and then claim the rebate using their order ID.
You Approve!
Rebates are automatically
pre-approved and held for 30 days and sellers are given 5 days to approve the rebate to ensure there were no returns or
We Deliver!
35 days later, we’ll automatically mail checks or make PayPal deposits to your happy shoppers!
Buyer Testimonials
Here’s what our happy customers who already received their checks say about us…
I Love RebateKey! I have earned so much money back on items that I use and need! It is easy to use and easy to get the rebates back.
I wasn’t sure if this was legit. Guess what?! It is! Here’s the proof! I got my first check, can’t wait for the next one!
I am glad to have found RebateKey! It is great to be able to receive some if not all you money back for making purchases.
Other Features
24/7 customer service to ensure you
have a winning sales campaign.
We Support You!
Note: To ensure fair buyer/seller practices, we wait 35 days to assure products are not returned before rebates are distributed.
Be part of RebateKey
Get your products in front of hundreds of thousands of US verified shoppers and boost your full-price sales. Works on Amazon, Walmart, Shopify and other marketplaces.
Other Features
24/7 customer service to ensure you
have a winning sales campaign.
We Support You!
Track your campaigns at every step.
See your views.
Learn & Earn
Safety First
No foolin’ around! Our customers trust us. They get to buy products on established sites like Amazon. They know their hassle-free rebates will arrive in the mail or in their PayPal accounts after 35 days.
Note: To ensure fair buyer/seller practices, we wait 35 days to assure products are not returned before rebates are distributed.
Track your campaigns at every step.
See your views.
Learn & Earn
No foolin’ around! Our customers trust us. They get to buy products on established sites like Amazon. They know their hassle-free rebates will arrive in the mail or in their PayPal accounts after 35 days.
Safety First